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Should you buy NFTs in 2021?

If you like cryptos, you have heard of NFTs by now. NFTs or non-fungible tokens are digital assets on a blockchain that only you...

How are Cryptocurrencies Taxed by the IRS?

Cryptocurrencies have gained massive popularity over the last couple of years. And while they may not be considered mainstream just yet, a substantial number...

How to buy SafeMoon crypto with confidence

SafeMoon is a new cryptocurrency that is currently valued at 1/1000th of a cent at the time of writing. Out of FOMO (Fear of...

Tens of thousands of Illinoisans will see their unemployment benefits suspended in March

I had to write about this as I do not see any other channels covering it. Illinois'' unemployment department (IDES) ran into many issues...

What happens After a Disaster affects a Taxpayer

No matter how devastating a disaster is, before the IRS can authorize any tax relief, FEMA must issue a major disaster declaration and identify...